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Bille Quartz cerise ovale 13x18mm, se vend par 1 ou 5 pièces.
Bille Quartz nuage 8mm, corde de +-15’’
Smoky quartz faceted 6mm, sold by strand.
Bead Quartz Rutilated 6mm, + -15" strand .
Rutilated quartz 8mm, cord of + -15 "
Bead Smoky Quartz 6mm, +-15" strand.
Smoky quartz 8mm, cord of + -15 "
Clear matte quartz 6mm, cord of + -15 "
Clear matte quartz 8mm, cord of + -15 "
Bead Quartz rose frosted 6mm, + -15" strand.
Matte rose quartz 8mm, cord of + -15 "
Bead Quartz rose 6mm, + -15" strand.
Rose quartz 8mm, cord of + -15 "
Bead Quartz cherry 6mm, + -15" strand.
8mm cherry quartz, + -15 "chord
8mm matte cherry quartz, + -15 "chord
Bead Quartz clear 8mm, +-15" strand.
Clear quartz 6mm, cord of + -15 "